As a first-time buyer it can be overwhelming the amount of items you need for your first home, start shopping early and use our storage in Brentwood to get ahead.
Exciting times ahead
Congratulations! You are at a very exciting time of your life when you are searching for your first home.
We know it can be a daunting time too as well as an exciting one, with lots of things to figure out, but we are here to help!
Buying your first home means you’ll probably need to furnish it and starting to collect pieces for your home one at a time and not in a rush will ensure you buy pieces you really want.
But, we know what you’re thinking – where can I keep those pieces before I move in? We have the solution…
Start shopping now and use our storage in Brentwood
With our storage in Brentwood you can start shopping now and store with us until you’re ready to move in – our short-term storage is your ideal solution.
Make the most of those sales and buy materials and items for your new home when you can get a bargain and then store them in your storage unit until you’re ready to use them.
A lot of new builds don’t come with flooring, only tiling in the bathroom and kitchen, so you will need to purchase flooring for the rest of your home – flooring can take up a lot of space and can be very expensive, so buy it in the sale and store it with us until you need it!
When you find your perfect home
We only ever offer flexible rental contracts, so our short-term storage is ideal for you to use now until you find your perfect home.
When you are ready to move in to your new home, we only need 14 days notice for you to leave your unit. And before that time if you need a bigger or smaller space our team can happily find this for you.
Our friendly team is here to help
Our 5-start Trustpilot rated team are here to help you – they love a chat, so do pop in to store or call us on 01277 715 079 or click here for more information.
They can also take in deliveries for you – so any online shopping you do for your new home, you can have it delivered to our Brentwood storage facility and our team will keep it safe for you until you are there to move it in to your unit.
We are here to help your first-time buying experience be as stress-free as possible, start shopping for your new home now and this will save you a lot of stress in the long run!